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Spicy Cats Rescue began in 2019 with the goal of socializing two very spicy semi-feral cats: Sesame and Lentil.

We shared their story with the world and quickly learned of the overwhelming need in our community for cats like them.
Because of Sesame and Lentil, we have dedicated ourselves to helping medical and behavioral special needs cats, the ones who need us the most.

Our goal is to help any cat in need - from newborns to seniors - in the Seacoast Maine and NH area through rescue, rehabilitation, adoption, hospice, and TNR.


Licenses & Financial Data

NH Pet Vendor License #210
NH Department of Justice Charitable Trusts Unit Registr
ation #34170

EIN 30-1267651

GuideStar Profile (Platinum Transparency Certification)


Memberships & Partnerships
Member of the New Hampshire Federation of Humane Organizations

NYC ACC New Hope Partner

Best Friends Animal Society Network Partner
Bissell Pet Foundation Partner


In the News

Petfinder Grant Recipient
Seacoast Online Article

Bobkitten Articles: LoveMeow / WOKQ / The Dodo


Annual Reports
2023  [download]
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